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The Digital Transformation of Supply Chains for Small Companies

Digital transformation is taking place throughout supply chains, with the transition of paper-based systems to digital system delivering relevant information in automated processes that minimise human intervention.

The Electronics Communications Act 2000 permits the use of electronic signatures in the UK and as a result the digitisation of documents related to Proofs of Delivery has increased extensively. This has resulted in the digitalisation of processes to remove manual intervention, allowing staff to concentrate on the real issues rather than administrative roles.

Effective solutions only have manual interventions as necessary, for example CarrierNet undertakes a full and complete financial reconciliation for a customer that includes a fully audited and detailed discrepancy resolution process. As a result, the customer has the comfort of knowing that all problems are being resolved as appropriate between parties directly, however should a problem not be resolved then by a certain point in time the customer knows that any issue will be escalated to the correct person for resolution in a timely manner. As all actions are audited, adherence to procedure is very high and actions are resolved with full transparency for all relevant of management, as appropriate.

Integration between systems in supply chains has been occurring for a number of years but the key step now taking place is the use of API’s to change the nature of integration. Rather than transferring information from one database to another, information and actions can now be shared directly. This ensures that there is only one version of the correct data and leads to fewer errors and more reliable and robust data.

The supply chain will continue to evolve with the full impact of Blockchain to occur, as end-user customers demand improved visibility and reliability. The Internet of Things is now in the process of transforming into the Internet of Everything from agriculture through to the end customer. As data becomes more important cyber security will gain further prominence and care over other people’s data will have greater importance (e.g. GDPR). Many other changes will happen e.g. drones; floating warehouses; tubes but the trend is likely to be from predictive to prescriptive, i.e. decisions will automatically be made. CarrierNet has been developed to provide the framework for an evolving supply chain, supporting customers as their particular commercial environments change. Whether you are a small regional operator or a multi-national conglomerate CarrierNet has the flexibility and range to provide everything that may be required of a transport management system, now or in the future.

CarrierNet is at the forefront of this change, enabling companies to transform integration and unlock significant business gains. By utilising Software as a Service technology, CarrierNet can now deliver these benefits to all those operating in the global supply chain. Operators both large and small can utilise digitalisation and digitisation to reduce costs and improve services for their potential customers. All companies can scope services to suit their requirements, i.e. a full comprehensive service or just a part of the transport operation.


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