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Scaling peak season

Black Friday essentially fires the starting gun for the peak retail season as it is used to drive up sales prior to the Christmas rush and the inevitable January sales. For retailers, this period is more vital than ever this year, coming as it will after an extended economic low point. Sales need to be maximised and costs kept as low as possible, but every year this is the period when supply chains are put under greatest strain. Therefore, all aspects of the supply chain need to function at the highest service level and every freight operator should ensure that their particular area of operations is not the weakest link in the chain.

Black Friday fires the starting gun for the peak retail season as it is used to drive up retail sales prior to the Christmas rush and the inevitable January sales - freight operators need a TMS such as CarrierNet to meet the challenges they will face.

A key component required to deliver the elevated service levels necessary to handle a period of high demand like this is a transparent, scalable and easy-to-use transport management system (TMS) that can deliver everything that is needed of it timeously and with minimal manual intervention. If you wish to see such a TMS in action, contact Bashir Khan here and he will give you a demonstration of CarrierNet’s ability to deliver all of the above and more.


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