In recent posts we have discussed some of the vital links in supply chain management, namely achieving true optimisation and ensuring any information used is completely correct. Today, we move on to something that usually proves to be the weakest link in a lot of freight operations: systems integration.

As we know, there are many components in a supply chain and freight transport is probably the most vital moving part. Hence, it follows that any transport management system (TMS) MUST have the capability of integrating with several different systems in other links of the supply chain to ensure that all the information transmitted between them is effectively and timeously received, processed and executed.
With a modern, internet-based TMS such as CarrierNet, there should be no problems with integration, as an array of methods is used to ensure that all integration is seamless and rapid. Effective integration means a freight transport operation not only has all the relevant information provided efficiently but also that there is only ever a single version of that information - to have two or more conflicting versions in existence at any one time is not possible.
In summary, a TMS solution needs to be the glue that binds a supply chain together and it can’t be that if it is not Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based. If you are a running a freight transport operation and are not using such a TMS, you really should contact Bashir Khan here to arrange a free demo of CarrierNet.