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How transport operators can reduce the cost of Brexit

Brexit is rapidly disrupting the supply chain landscape and transport and logistics operators will need to adapt their communications systems to keep up. Without a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) powered transport management system (TMS), operators will face increased cost and disruption to their businesses.

Comms requirements will increase dramatically As a result of the UK leaving the EU completely in only 13 weeks time, a major requirement for transport operators will be to provide even more information to stakeholders during the transport process to and from mainland Europe. This means their communications systems will have to evolve in order to cope and remember, some of these systems may not yet even be available.

IT costs may increase dramatically Brexit could potentially also change import shipment protocols, resulting in the need for operators to invest in redeveloping their IT systems, which in turn will most likely lead to cost increases for their customers.

Furthermore, any changes to transport management systems will need to be rolled out across a transport operator’s entire UK and EU market very quickly. Switching to a SaaS-based TMS will deliver significant benefits in this regard.

With SaaS, one change means all change For instance, a major benefit of Deltion’s CarrierNet SaaS-based TMS is that once a change has been made in the system, all a transport operator’s customers are immediately updated; i.e. a single version change to CarrierNet is deployed immediately across the entire customer base, and no customers are missed out.

No upfront costs with a SaaS TMS With CarrierNet, there are no upfront costs for changes like those detailed above, so no immediate capital investment is required. In fact, SaaS providers like Deltion share the risk as they need to recover their costs via charges-per-transaction.

Please contact Bashir Khan to discuss the benefits of SaaS and CarrierNet –


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