It’s no secret that times have been very tough for freight transport operators in recent years - in fact, we’ve written about it often in these very pages. As 2025 kicks off in earnest though, perhaps it’s worth reminding ourselves that a very large number of hauliers have gone into administration and that's because, like all businesses going through periods of turmoil and change, there are 3 basic routes that a company can take, each of which will put them in one of these 3 groups*:
Group A - a small proportion of companies that will thrive and grow
Group B - a sadly greater proportion of companies that succumb to market forces and go to the wall
Group C - the remainder who manage to struggle on this time round, but who are at great risk of joining Group B on the next turn of the wheel
Our contention is that most transport operators are failing to adapt to change as it happens, and as a result a significant number of them are going to fall into Group B, of if exceptionally lucky, Group C (this time). But there is one elementary step that operators can take to avoid that fate, namely to simplify and reduce their risk in areas that are easily managed via a SaaS-based transport management system (TMS). In this way, their IT requirements are no longer a major drain on their time and resources and, furthermore, they can benefit from sharing best practices across their entire customer base. There’s another big bonus too: they won't have to pay major additional costs for the additional features such a TMS can bestow.
So, we say adapt and join your freight transport peers in Group A or face the consequences. If you’re wondering how to do that, contact CarrierNet’s Bashir Khan right here and he’ll happily give you a free demo of just what’s possible.
*A shout-out to Paul Freeston on LinkedIn for identifying these groups.