Deltion’s CarrierNet Hazard Avoidance Routing Tool (C.H.A.R.T.) not only delivers benefits for companies but also provides a safer approach for drivers. Currently, Network Rail estimates that:
52% of lorry drivers do not take low bridges into account when planning their route
43 per cent admitted they did not measure their vehicle before heading out
In 2019, almost 2,000 instances of vehicles striking railway bridges were reported across Britain – that’s more than five a day on average.
All the stress of having to account for the measurement of their vehicle heights and determining a route that avoids hazards is taken away from the driver. The driver is provided with all the relevant information and only needs to confirm that everything is correct to be provided with a safe and correct route.
In addition, all C.H.A.R.T. customers gain from the wider benefits that are delivered, including:
Removes almost 100% of the risk of bridge strikes with all associated costs and delays
Allows upload of driver rosters directly from workforce management systems or similar
Means all drivers need do is confirm their details and those of the vehicle
Helps drivers make better route-making decisions by providing real-time ‘turn-by-turn’ routing and re-routing
Delivers valid routes for detours due to road closures and produces routes that will be valid for particular loads – these may vary from the official detours provided by traffic authorities
Enables drivers to focus solely on the delivery of good service
Maps routes to avoid for specific vehicles which even can be based on times of day

With its flexible commercial approach C.H.A.R.T. is cost effective for use by single vehicle owner-operators right through to the largest fleet operators.
If you would like more information about C.H.A.R.T. or wish to discuss specific issues including subscription models, please contact please contact Bashir Khan –